2024 State of Methane Emissions Regulations Around the Globe
Steps and actions individual nations and countries are taking worldwide to reduce emissions.
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In today’s world, reducing methane emissions is the fastest opportunity to slow the rate of global warming. Achieving these reductions on a national level, consistent with global climate goals, requires tighter regulations and guidelines for individual member states. These actions may take the form of better transparency and reporting, emissions standards for equipment and operations, and/or market-based mechanisms.
In the lead up to the Methane Mitigation Technology & Innovation Summit, we’ve compiled some of the major commitments and regulations for methane mitigation. Discover what actions individual nations and countries are taking worldwide with our interactive infographic.
What is the Global Methane Pledge?
Launched at COP26 in November 2021, the Global Methane Pledge (GMP) is a voluntary framework supporting nations to collectively reduce methane emissions by 30% from 2020 levels by 2030. The GMP now has 155 country participants, representing nearly 50% of global anthropogenic methane emissions. Achieving this goal is the fastest way to reduce near-term warming and is essential to keep a 1.5°C temperature limit within reach.
At COP28 in December 2023, the GMP partners announced:
1. Over $1 billion in new grant funding for methane action mobilized since COP27, more than triple current levels, mobilizing billions in investment to reduce methane
2. National commitments and legislation from top oil and gas methane emitters alongside decisive action on waste and food and agriculture
3. Transformational data tools including the full launch of the Methane Alert and Response System and a new Data for Methane Action Campaign
4. New members and expanded leadership. Canada, Federated States of Micronesia, Germany, Japan, and Nigeria joined the United States and European Union as Global Methane Pledge Champions. Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Romania, and Angola also joined the Pledge
Participants List: https://www.globalmethanepledge.org/
Download the 2024 State of Methane Emissions Regulations Around the Globe infograph
Interested in learning more?
Understand how global innovators are leading the way in methane detection, measurement and mitigation at our upcoming Methane Mitigation Technology & Innovation Summit in Austin from June 11-14. This year's Summit will equip with the connections, knowledge, and insights necessary to elevate your organization's methane mitigation and decarbonization strategy. Download the agenga here.
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