Insight Report: Build or Buy? When It Comes to Software, Buy Might Be the Right Choice for You
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Every growing business reaches the point where it seeks a streamlined solution to handle its corporate data, whether it’s related to worker health and safety, environment and sustainability or quality. Inevitably, the classic question arises: Do we build our own solution, or do we turn to an established software vendor?
Companies often attempt to build a solution internally, but the results are frequently problematic, often quite costly and sometimes downright disastrous. According to a group of experts who help companies design and build custom software solutions, the cost of custom enterprise software projects falls somewhere between $75,000 and $750,000 for design, development and implementation.
According to research from The Standish Group, U.S. businesses spend nearly $300 billion annually trying to develop in-house solutions, but only 25% of projects succeed, nearly 50% are highly challenged and 25% fail outright.
Download this report and learn why purchasing trusted, proven solutions is the better option and how it can help with:
- Significant savings in time and costs
- Smooth deployments
- More effective resource management
- Improved efficiency.