Using AI, RPA & Machine Learning to Drive Operational Excellence at Koch Industries
IX Network speaks with Sheryl Corrigan, Director, Environment, Health & Safety, Koch Industries. Here, Sheryl provides insight into how the company is working to create next-generation leak detection technology for the oil and gas industry.
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How will this technology impact operations at Koch Industries, or specifically, Flint Hills Resources?
One, it’s an opportunity to eliminate the need for technicians to routinely interact with process equipment in operating facilities—which reduces the probability of a safety incident. If
the technology is successful, it will be working 24/7—not our technicians.
Two, we think we’re going to be able to actually reduce the number of leaks through deeper understanding of the data. We are looking to apply machine learning and modelling to help us predict and ultimately prevent leaks. This would reduce our overall emissions, which is good for us, and good for society.
Three, we really believe that this technology will lead to better operations. We’ll have a better sense of where these leaks occur, and in turn, we’ll be able to head them off at the pass and identify changes in the way we are operating. There may be opportunities to change equipment, materials, piping, as well as our procedures and processes to potentially improve our performance.
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