Why the Methane Mitigation Canada Summit?

Looking to forge their pathway to NetZero, our attendees are tasked with finding effective solutions to measure, monitor and mitigate methane emissions. Join us in Calgary and gain sales qualified leads, make new connections and showcase what you have to offer.

“Have you ever been in a room full of humans all focused on understanding and mitigating methane in the energy space? I have…and it was spectacular. Communication is key to solving complex problems. We’re in it together.”
Director of Technical Sales, Project Canary
"Thanks for providing a forum where industry leaders could have meaningful conversations about reducing methane emissions while continuing to meet the global demand for affordable and reliable energy."
Waukesha Gas Engines

Ways to get involved:

Thought Leadership:

With an expected audience of 150+ senior decision makers from high risk industries, Methane Mitigation Canada Summit enables you to build your reputation as a market leader through speaking sessions and subject specific conference streams, workshops and focus days.


We bring together buyers and suppliers in a tailored location with unbeatable facilities for on-site branding and exposure. Furthermore, our dedicated marketing team can help you achieve your promotional aims in the months leading up to the conference with dedicated mailings to cover thousands of contacts through brochure drops, e-mail campaigns and tailored web coverage.


Focused and high level, our events will provide you with the perfect environment to initiate new business relationships and achieve face-to-face contact that overcrowded cannot deliver.

Get In Touch!

If you are interested in sales qualified leads, making new connections, showcasing your business solutions, and much more, contacts us below for more information.