Jessica Shumlich

CEO Highwood Emissions Management

As CEO, Jessica is leading a rapidly growing 30 person Highwood team in its mission: to deliver the oil & gas industry’s premier solutions for accurate methane inventories that enable real, transparent, and provable emissions reductions. Jessica led the securing of $3 million in seed funding to fuel product development and position Highwood for accelerated growth & innovation in the emissions intelligence space. Jessica has almost 20 years of experience working for energy companies, governments, technology developers, and various startups across the globe.

Pre-Conference Workshop Day: Tuesday 25th February

2:15 PM Workshop L: The Gold Standard of Methane Accounting

It is a common pain point of the industry to create auditable, consistent, and scalable measurement-informed inventories that are harmonized across OGMP, EU Methane regulations, Veritas, MiQ, and others. This action-orientated workshop will go over best practices while debating priorities for the future, opportunities to promote consistent policy, barriers to progress, and specific case studies. Below are the workshop outcomes: 

  • Showcasing various framework-compliant methods for temporal extrapolation and uncertainty analysis in applied reconciliation and broad ranges in results.
  • In-depth discussion of harmonization of measurement-informed inventories methodologies and frameworks
  • Understanding how to leverage measurement-informed inventories internally
  • Explore best practices of emissions factor generation of source-level measurements, which leads to the integration of bottom-up inventory and site-level measurements from aircraft, drones, and other novel technologies

Main Conference Day 2: Thursday 27th February

2:20 PM EU Methane Import Regulation and Certification – a Challenge and a Solution

A conversation between the two CEOs embracing the challenge: Georges Tijbosch (MiQ) and Jessica Shumlich (Highwood Emissions)


  • EU Methane import regulations are the first global methane regulations and perceived as complex. Glass half full or empty? 
  • Can security of supply and low methane emissions be achieved simultaneously? How to import LNG with so many known unknowns? 
  • How do we demonstrate the provenance (US, Algeria,…) of imported gas and its methane attributes? Certificates and the precedent of renewable electricity.  
  • Can we execute standardized methane MRV today? How do we know it will satisfy the Competent Authorities and the EU?
  • Reconciliation is considered complex and evolving. Can we streamline reconciliation of methane emissions data?
  • What’s the cost of compliance? Will compliance drive methane emissions lower? 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Jessica.

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