
A Guide to OGMP 2.0  Level 4 and Level 5  Reporting and  Measurement Framework

A Guide to OGMP 2.0 Level 4 and Level 5 Reporting and Measurement Framework

With the implementation of compliance deadlines in 2025, over 140 companies have now joined the UNEP’s Oil & Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0), the leading methane emissions reporting and measurement framework.

The OGMP 2.0 framework helps oil and gas companies mitigate methane emissions by providing standardised guidelines for accurate monitoring, reporting, and reduction of methane leaks.

Download our brand-new guide to uncover insights from OGMP 2.0 Senior Advisors, Tania Meixús and Lisa Solomchuk, as they uncover best practice for navigating OGMP 2.0, and provide you with expertise on: Gold standard reporting, including the recommended Level 5 reporting process, increasing data quality for a more effective methane strategy, how the OGMP 2.0 framework aligns with regulatory requirements, and more.

On-Demand Webinar: Critical Considerations for Building Your Methane Mitigation Strategy

On-Demand Webinar: Critical Considerations for Building Your Methane Mitigation Strategy

Ahead of this June's Methane Mitigation Global Summit, we sat down with leading oil & gas experts and asked, what are the key considerations and factors that you must consider when designing and enhancing your methane mitigation strategy?

Available to watch right now, watch and listen as industry experts and operators weigh in on the critical components you need to consider as you formulate your strategy, how to select and identify appropriate technology, and key advice on what it takes to truly drive lower methane emissions in your operations.

Sharing insights in this webinar are:

  • Sonna Sathiamoorthy, Methane Program Manager and SME, BP
  • Roland Muwanga, VP Energy Transition, Technical and Operations Strategy, TC Energy
  • Erin Tullos, Consultant, OGMP 2.0
  • Harry Granqvist, Senior Climate Analyst in Responsible Investments, Nordea Asset Management

Available on-demand, watch now, or save it until later!

Mobilizing to Meet Global Standards on Methane Emissions at Petrobras

Mobilizing to Meet Global Standards on Methane Emissions at Petrobras

When Brazilian oil giant Petrobras signed an agreement with the UN’s Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP) earlier this year, it cemented its commitment to a lower emission future.

OGMP 2.0 is a global initiative that focuses on the measurement and reporting of methane emissions in oil and gas operations in order to reduce them. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas and oil and gas operations account for approximately one third of human-caused methane emissions.

In its strategic plan, Petrobras says that it aims to neutralize emissions by 2050 and is investing US $4.4 billion in decarbonization projects and technology.

In this interview, Rodrigo Barbosa, Upstream Partnership Coordinator, and Roberto Gennaro, Planning Manager, Petrobras, talk about the national oil giant’s methane mitigation efforts, mobilizing support to reach OGMP’s gold standard, the challenges for the year ahead, and the lessons they’ve learned along the way.

Designing out Methane Emissions at TotalEnergies

Designing out Methane Emissions at TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies has signed on to tough new targets to reduce methane emissions by 80% and flaring to zero by 2030. How do they expect to achieve it?

We sat down with David Mendelson, President & CEO at TotalEnergies E&P Americas to find out...

“It’s part of our daily work now. Reducing emissions is given equal importance to everything we do in our operations” explains David.

In this interview, David Mendelson discusses the company’s approach to reducing the methane intensity in existing and new production assets, his thoughts on the energy transition and how the company folds emissions reduction into its daily operations. Access your free copy of the interview today.

Not to be missed, David also discusses:

  • How TotalEnergies is creating more energy from a greater diversity of energy sources
  • The journey so far to lower carbon and lower methane intensity in TotalEnergies' operations
  • The role of the Operations team in lowering emissions
  • The biggest challenges that confront the industry in meeting methane emissions goals

Read the interview in full today!